Blood and Cheese: Assassins in the Dance of the Dragons - Mitchell DHage

Blood and Cheese: Assassins in the Dance of the Dragons

Historical Context of “Blood and Cheese”

Blood and cheese

The murders of Aegon Targaryen II and his mother, Helaena Targaryen, by Blood and Cheese were pivotal events in the Dance of the Dragons, a civil war that tore apart the Targaryen dynasty and Westeros.

The tale of Blood and Cheese, the treacherous duo who murdered King Aegon II’s infant sons, is a chilling reminder of the cruelties that can unfold in the realm of Westeros. For those eager to witness the latest machinations in this epic saga, the question on everyone’s lips is: what time is Game of Thrones tonight ?

As the clock ticks down to the highly anticipated episode, the fate of Blood and Cheese and their victims hangs in the balance, promising a night of both intrigue and bloodshed.

The Dance of the Dragons was sparked by a succession crisis following the death of King Viserys I Targaryen. Viserys had named his eldest daughter, Rhaenyra, as his heir, but upon his death, his younger brother, Aegon, seized the throne with the support of the Hightowers and other powerful houses.

The Assassination Plot

The assassination of Aegon and Helaena was orchestrated by Rhaenyra’s supporters as a means of vengeance and to destabilize Aegon’s rule. The plot was led by Daemon Targaryen, Rhaenyra’s uncle and husband, and executed by Blood and Cheese, two sellswords known for their ruthlessness.

The treacherous murders of Aegon II’s young sons by Blood and Cheese left an unforgettable mark on the Dance of the Dragons. The assassins’ swift and merciless actions echoed through the annals of Westerosi history. Centuries later, as the prequel series “House of the Dragon” delves into the Targaryen civil war, viewers can delve into the events leading up to that fateful night, learning how long before “Game of Thrones” the prequel is set.

As the bloody conflict unfolds, the legacy of Blood and Cheese will continue to cast a shadow over the realm.

Blood and Cheese infiltrated the Red Keep, where Aegon and Helaena were staying, and brutally murdered them. Aegon was stabbed to death while Helaena was beheaded in front of her children. The murders sent shockwaves throughout Westeros and further escalated the conflict between the Greens (Aegon’s supporters) and the Blacks (Rhaenyra’s supporters).

Blood and Cheese, the infamous duo who infiltrated the Red Keep to murder a child, were as relentless as the venomous Sand Snakes of Dorne ( game of thrones sand snakes ). Their stealth and precision were unmatched, striking fear into the hearts of their enemies like a swift and deadly viper.

Yet, despite their shared ruthlessness, Blood and Cheese’s actions were driven by a twisted sense of justice, while the Sand Snakes sought revenge and power.

Impact on the Dance of the Dragons

The murders of Aegon and Helaena had a profound impact on the Dance of the Dragons. The brutal nature of the killings shocked and horrified many, and it further deepened the animosity between the two factions.

Blood and cheese, a deadly combination, just like the acting prowess of Rosabell Laurenti Sellers. Her portrayal of Tyene Sand in Game of Thrones left an unforgettable mark, mirroring the intensity of blood and cheese. In the world of fantasy, these elements intertwine, shaping the destiny of characters and leaving a lasting impact on the reader’s imagination.

The murders also weakened Aegon’s position. With his heir dead, he was forced to name his younger son, Jaehaerys, as his successor. However, Jaehaerys was a child, and his rule was contested by Rhaenyra and her supporters.

Blood and cheese, two fierce sellswords, infiltrated the Red Keep to murder King Aerys II Targaryen, known as the Mad King. His madness had escalated, leading to the execution of Lord Rickard Stark and his son Brandon. The Mad King got his name for a reason, and his reign of terror had to end.

Blood and cheese carried out their mission, spilling the Mad King’s blood and ending his cruel rule.

Aftermath, Blood and cheese

The Dance of the Dragons ended with the defeat of the Greens and the coronation of Rhaenyra as queen. However, her reign was short-lived, as she was killed by Aegon’s supporters just a few months later.

The murders of Aegon and Helaena remain a dark chapter in Westerosi history. They were a testament to the brutality of the Dance of the Dragons and the lengths to which people would go to seize or maintain power.

Character Analysis of Blood and Cheese

Blood and Cheese, the assassins hired to murder Helaena Targaryen and her children, were motivated by a complex mix of personal grievances, political opportunism, and moral ambiguity. Blood, a skilled swordsman, had lost his family to Aegon II’s forces during the Dance of the Dragons. Cheese, a cunning rogue, saw an opportunity to gain favor with the victorious Black faction by carrying out the murders.

Their backgrounds shaped their skills and methods. Blood’s military experience made him a deadly combatant, while Cheese’s criminal past honed his stealth and deception abilities. Together, they employed a combination of brute force and cunning to infiltrate the Red Keep and carry out their任務.

The moral implications of their actions are complex. While some may view them as cold-blooded killers, others see them as instruments of justice, avenging the innocent victims of the war. The consequences they faced were severe: Blood was executed for his crimes, while Cheese met a gruesome end at the hands of Helaena’s loyalists. Their story raises questions about the nature of revenge, the limits of loyalty, and the price of political ambition.


Blood’s primary motivation was vengeance for the death of his family. He believed that by killing Helaena and her children, he could avenge their suffering and punish Aegon II for his role in the war. Cheese, on the other hand, was motivated by a combination of opportunism and a desire for recognition. He saw the murders as a chance to prove his worth to the Black faction and gain favor with Rhaenyra Targaryen.

Skills and Methods

Blood was a skilled swordsman and a formidable warrior. He was also a master of stealth, able to infiltrate the Red Keep undetected. Cheese was a cunning rogue with a talent for deception and misdirection. He used his skills to gain access to Helaena’s chambers and carry out the murders.

Moral Implications

The moral implications of Blood and Cheese’s actions are complex and multifaceted. Some may view them as cold-blooded killers who murdered innocent children. Others may see them as instruments of justice, avenging the victims of the war. Ultimately, the moral judgment of their actions is a matter of personal opinion.


The consequences of Blood and Cheese’s actions were severe. Blood was captured and executed for his crimes. Cheese met a gruesome end at the hands of Helaena’s loyalists. Their deaths underscore the high price of political ambition and the dangers of seeking revenge.

Literary Significance of “Blood and Cheese”

Blood and cheese

The “Blood and Cheese” chapter in George R.R. Martin’s “Fire & Blood” is a pivotal moment in the “A Song of Ice and Fire” series, rich in literary significance. Through foreshadowing, symbolism, and irony, Martin weaves a compelling narrative that deepens the character development and advances the overarching themes of the series.


The chapter foreshadows the upcoming Dance of the Dragons civil war. The murder of Aegon II’s infant sons, Jaehaerys and Maelor, by Blood and Cheese is a gruesome act of revenge that sets the stage for the bloody conflict that will follow. Martin’s use of vivid imagery and foreshadowing creates a sense of impending doom, hinting at the tragic events to come.


The “Blood and Cheese” chapter is rife with symbolism. The murder of the children represents the destruction of innocence and the cyclical nature of violence in the realm. The blood and cheese themselves symbolize the brutality and deceit that pervade Westerosi society. Martin’s use of these symbols adds depth to the narrative, evoking a range of emotions from horror to despair.


The chapter is filled with ironic moments. The children are killed in the name of vengeance, but their deaths only serve to perpetuate the cycle of violence. The murderers, Blood and Cheese, are themselves victims of the system they serve, highlighting the futility of seeking justice through violence. Martin’s use of irony underscores the complexities of morality and the tragic consequences of actions in a world torn by conflict.

Character Development

The “Blood and Cheese” chapter contributes significantly to the character development of Aegon II and Rhaenyra Targaryen. Aegon’s grief and rage over the murder of his sons harden his heart, turning him into a ruthless and vengeful king. Rhaenyra, on the other hand, is torn between her desire for justice and her love for her children. The chapter explores the psychological toll of the war on these characters, deepening their motivations and making them more relatable.


The “Blood and Cheese” chapter reinforces several overarching themes of the “A Song of Ice and Fire” series. The cycle of violence, the futility of revenge, and the fragility of innocence are all explored in depth. Martin’s masterful storytelling brings these themes to life, leaving a lasting impact on the reader and enriching the overall narrative of the series.

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